Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Risks of Sleep Deprivation

Catch Some Z’s—Your Health Depends on It!

If your sleepiness has surpassed the typical 3:00pm slump, you’re not alone. Nodding off at work has become so common that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has declared sleep disorders a public health epidemic. The negative effects of sleep deprivation have far-reaching consequences. Research conducted by the CDC concluded lack of sleep can interfere with job performance, concentration and even ability to drive your daily commute.

Previously, we’ve explored the benefits of being well-rested. Now, let’s dive deeper into the importance of counting sheep.

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

In today’s on-the-go society, lack of sleep might seem like a minor sacrifice. However, the dangers associated with lack of sleep are very real. Those who suffer from a restless night are at greater risk of car crashes, medical mistakes and health issues. Sleep issues contribute to a multitude of medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes, depression and hypertension.

Sleep and Productivity

Sleep deprivation in the work force

Beyond health and safety issues, sleep deprivation can also affect your paycheck. The New York Times reported 1.23 million days of work in the US are lost each year due to chronic sleeplessness.

Grogginess effects your ability to concentrate and produce quality work, yet getting adequate sleep is still widely perceived as an indulgence. The RAND report on sleep revealed only 20-30% of workers complain about not getting enough sleep. Sleeplessness is seen as a necessary evil of the daily grind.

In today’s competitive workforce, employers need to acknowledge sleep deprived and overworked employees are a threat to company productivity. Well-rested workers are more efficient, productive, healthy and content. This translates to greater output of work, less sick days and a longer retention rate.

Reap the Benefits of Sleep

The more we put sleeplessness in the past, the more the population will be rewarded. Sleep is proven to increase memory and concentration, leading to more productive work days. A well-rested employee will also experience less stress and a better mood, improving overall workplace morale.

Outside of the work place, those who get a full night’s sleep maintain a healthier weight, have a better immune system and decrease their risk of heart disease and stroke. Our bodies and minds use sleep to keep us going strong when life gets tricky. It maintains a healthy balance of hormones, making it easier to cope with stress and change.  Raymonde Jean, MD and dissector of sleep medicine states, “if you sleep better, you can certainly live better. It’s pretty clear.”

Make Sleep a Priority

Benefits of Sleep

It’s time to prioritize your health and put bed-time at the top of your list. Stop viewing sleep as a luxury, and instead as a necessity. Researchers recommend starting with small steps towards adequate sleep. Set a consistent bed time, limit electronics and caffeine late at night and get regular exercise. Once you shift your mindset, healthier habits will soon become the norm.

It’s on us to change the mindset surrounding sleep. Most poor sleep habits can be traced back to teen and youth years. If we set a standard for proper sleep and self-care, we all will see the benefits in morale, safety and productivity.

Start your journey to self care by booking an appointment with Higher Health Spine and Sport today!

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